ನಾಡ್ನೆದ ಪಲಿತಾಂಸೊಲು
"Owen" ಪುಟೊನು ಈ ವಿಕಿಟ್ ಉಂಡುಮಲ್ಪುಲೆ! ನಾಡ್ನ ವಿಸಯೊಗು ತಿಕ್ಕ್ನ ಪಲಿತಾಂಸೊಲೆನ್ಲಾ ತೂಲೆ
- ದೋಸೊ: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named REU2007-03 Owen, James. ""Shangri-La" caves yield treasures, skeletons". National Geographic...೧೪ KB (೬೫೫ ಪದೊಕುಲು) - ೧೫:೨೦, ೫ ದಸಂಬರ್ ೨೦೨೪
- were not meant for release outside the command, were produced by Captain Owen Honors when he was executive officer (XO) of the ship in the 2006–07 timeframe...೯೧ KB (೮,೬೭೫ ಪದೊಕುಲು) - ೦೫:೪೨, ೧ ದಸಂಬರ್ ೨೦೨೪